
Welcome to Steph’s WTF blog!

Welcome to my super serious (not really) blog.  I hope you enjoy the random thoughts that pop into my head and that you won’t judge me too much by them.  Either way, you’re sure to learn something that you probably never wanted to know.

Here are some inspirational quotes for you.  Please feel free to steal them. I did!

Life is like walking a dog.  Sometimes you’re the dog, sometimes you’re the fire hydrant.

Stephanie Walters
Steph on a Fire Hydrant

Just because I don’t call you on your shit doesn’t mean I can’t smell it.

Stephanie Walters
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Say what you mean and mean what you say…..especially if it’s funny.

Stephanie Walters
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It has to be mathematically impossible for me to be wrong all of the time.  I’ll give ya about 95% of the time, but not all of the time.

Stephanie Walters
Einstein mathematically impossible

If I only did stuff I was good at, I would never do anything.  Okay, maybe math.  I could do math.

Stephanie Walters
Bad at sports

Everyone is responsible for their own personal happiness. Happiness is an inside job

Stephanie Walters
Be happy-Don't give a fuck meme

A lesson I learned from my dog:  When life throws crap at you, kick some grass on that shit and move on!

Stephanie Walters

I used to always hope for the best when I did stuff. Now, I don’t mind the worst if it’s funny.

Stephanie Walters

I always mean what I say…..I may not mean to say it out loud, but I always mean it.

Stephanie Walters

Common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden. I’ll be honest, I killed that flower in mine.

Stephanie Walters